
Safeway Savings 5/25 - 5/31

I went in this morning to get my $.25 hot dogs as well as to use up some of my P&G coupons that expire on Tuesday, May 31st.  I didn't really see much not already blogged about but here are a couple things worth mentioning:

Quaker Granola Bars in the clearance section for $1.50 each.

About the Oscar Mayer Hotdogs...
I went in this morning around 10am and the hot dogs were completely stocked.  When I got to my car I realized I had forgotten lunch meat.  Grrrr.  I figured I'd grab some more hot dogs while I was in there again.  In a matter of about 45 minutes the hot dogs were about 75% sold out.  You might have to get a rain check for these if they don't have a lot of back stock.

Extra bargain today on the Cottonelle Flushable Wipes.  I did the "Getting Fresh With A Friend" promotion a couple weeks ago and got a coupon for One Free Tub of Cottonelle Flushable Wipes.  They were on sale for $2.50 but the computer rang up a credit of $3.39 (regular price) for the coupon.  I made $.89 on these today.  Wish I had more of these coupons, my daughter has better luck with these than regular toilet tissue.

I'm going to be away from my computer through the holiday weekend with all the family activities and going-ons so everyone, have a great holiday!  Please post any deals you find below under comments.  Happy couponing!


  1. I found some great deals in the clearance hall of Safeway over the weekend. Are you interested in those deals even though I bought all that was there?

  2. Rachel-YES, please do! It's always inspirational to hear about good deals others are finding. It would be helpful though if you did mention that you took that last of the product so we don't go in hoping to get the same deal.

    Glad you were able to find some great clearance items!

  3. I grabbed 4 packages for the Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs for a total of just under $1 over the weekend but I was also able to score more of the Starbucks Coffee for $3 each. I bought both of the coffees they had in the clearance shelf! I also got my free first aid kits...last 2 on the shelf! Thanks for starting this local coupon blog.
